February 15 - March 1, 2025



Mariscela Alvarez & Theodore Upton, dba Free Your Spirit
www.fyspirit.com – ma@fyspirit.com(530) 863-0003

During this era of definite transformation to a higher sense of being and to fulfill our cosmic mission, the ancient knowledge of our ancestors is crucial to remember our star origins.   Our ancestral families from the stars and Mother Terra, created power places of magnificent civilizations such as sacred Egypt, which carry energetic portals to restore our long-forgotten memories of our Divine Essence.

This Spiritual pilgrimage to the land of Khem (ancient name for Egypt,) is a Self-discovery journey beyond time and space.  It is a clear symbol of Unity and connection; of ritual and healing; of mysticism and remembrance that we are the Awaken Ancestors of the Future, the ones who can create the New Earth where our future generations are inspired to embrace their Divine potential!

The Egyptians did believe that death was not the end of life.  Instead, it was the path to a new life, a new beginning.  Knowing that we are eternal beings going through a process of transformation in every lifetime, we invite you to travel with us to Egypt.  This trip promises to resurrect our conscious soul’s agreement to become the changes we want to experience, while focusing our hearts and minds in the expansion of Love and Peace on Earth!

Download the Itinerary

DAY 0 (Friday, February 14, 2025) – DEPART FROM OUR DESTINATION TO CAIRO
Your journey to the sacred land of Egypt, begins by departing from your place of origin to the city of Cairo.

Recommendation: Consider arriving to Cairo a day ahead of the program (February 14th) to avoid any inconvenience such as delayed or cancelled flights, issues in Egypt or the layover country, etc. We suggest you stay in the hotel included in the program, where we can help you with the reservations. Let us know as well if you want to stay longer after the program is over.

Important: In addition to all the spiritual practices, we’ll guide you to commune with ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses through Shamanic Journeying and Breathwork. In this way, you can connect with your mythological nature, awaken your gifts from previous lifetimes, and embody the powers these deities represent for you.

DAY 1 (Thursday, February 15, 2024) – ARRIVE TO CAIRO
Today you arrive to Cairo International Airport. Our English-speaking representative will meet you to assist with your visa and transport you to our hotel. We’ll stay at the Movenpick 6 of October or Helnan Dream Hotel (or similar.) After resting we’ll gather at 6 pm for our “welcoming dinner” and to meet Ahmed, our expert guide, who will give us an orientation and guidelines for our trip.

Cairo International Airport

Included: Dinner. We spend the night in: Cairo.

Movenpick Hotel Cairo


After breakfast we’ll learn more about this amazing ancient Egyptian culture by visiting one of the largest, most modern, and most renowned museums in the entire world. The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) hosts about 100,000 ancient artifacts, 4,549 from the tomb of the famous King Tut Ankh Amon, as well as an impressive statue of Ramses II If this museum is not opened yet, we’ll visit either the Egyptian Museum or the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.

Next, we’ll visit the Papyrus Institute to learn more about the history of papyrus along with a demonstration on how this time-honored craft is made. Here we can view examples of unique Egyptian papyrus art, and can buy affordable, unique pieces. 

Included: Breakfast and dinner.We spend the night in: Cairo.

Cavern where Holy Family stayed

Spiritual Practice: We’ll commune with the Neteru (the most powerful creation of Neter, the almighty) in the museum in preparation to better understand the history of this great civilization.


This morning, we admire the Dahshur Pyramids, some of Egypt’s best-preserved ones. First, we visit the Red Pyramid, also called the North Pyramid, built during the reign of pharaoh Sneferu from the 4th dynasty and father of King Cheops (Khufu.) Built from red limestones measuring about 33 ft in length, it is believed to be Egypt’s first successful attempt at building a smooth-sided pyramid.

Next, we’ll visit the Bent Pyramid, the second pyramid built by Sneferu. It is known for its very unusual shape and design and for its legacy as other steppingstones for the building of future pyramids.

In Saqqara we will visit the Serapeum. This is one of the most fascinating sites dated to the New Kingdom (16th century to 11th century BC.) It was built during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. The Serapeum consists of an underground complex of 24 tombs and burial chambers dedicated – as some believe- to the worship of the Apis bull, a sacred animal believed to be an incarnation of the god Ptah.

Bent Pyramid in Dashur

Included: Breakfast and dinner.We spend the night in: Cairo.

Step Pyramid in Saqqara

Next, we’ll admire the Step Pyramid of King Zoser (Djoser) from the 3rd dynasty. Here, we’ll visit his Southern Tomb, which has been recently reopened after completing renovation works. The interior of the tomb was far less disturbed by robbers than the Step Pyramid itself.

We’ll also visit the Tomb of Ptahhotep ll, Chief Justice and Vizier of King Isesi from the 5th dynasty. This tomb is famous for its splendor and precision of its inscriptions and vivid colors. We end this journey in the Pyramid of King Teti from the 6th dynasty. His burial chamber contains the “Pyramid Texts”(religious texts) to guide the King towards resurrection and to join the Sun God Ra in the sky.

Included: Breakfast and dinner. We spend the night in: Cairo.

Spiritual Practice: In Saqqara we enter the portal to communication, growth, and speaking one’s higher personal truth as it corresponds to the Throat Chakra. Saqqara is aligned with Thoth – the enlightened communicator, the holy scribe, and wisdom keeper. We’ll also commune with the High Priest King Zoser as the Ascended Master of miracles.


Today we’ll fly to Aswan, a serene Nile Valley destination located about 899 km south from Cairo. Aswan is also known for its Egyptian perfumes and oils from the pharaonic period. We will visit an Essential Oils Shop where we will learn how to use them for healing the chakra system and much more.

After lunch we enjoy a Felucca sail, which is a traditional wooden sailing boat used in the eastern Mediterranean, in Egypt, Sudan, and Iraq. We stop along the sacred Nile River to perform a “water purification ritual” and to offer an “Andean gratitude despacho.” We finish our ceremonial day with dinner at a Nubian house where we’ll also have a “fire ceremony” to release our despacho to the heavens through the smoke, and to the earth through the ashes. We’ll stay either at the Isis Island or Tolip Hotel in Aswan.

Included: Breakfast and dinner. We spend the night in: Aswan.

Spiritual Practice: When visiting Aswan, many people experience what is described as “a new birth” as Aswan is considered the Root chakra where ancient Egyptians thought the source of the Nile River to be. We’ll honor the Rites of Water Cleanse in the sacred Nile during a purification ritual.

Bent Pyramid in Dashur

Included: Breakfast and dinner. We spend the night in: Cairo

Step Pyramid in Saqqara

Spiritual Practice: Uniting other ancient traditions we’ll create an Andean despacho as an offering to the land of Khem (ancient Egypt.) A despacho seals our connection with all beings, elements, spirits, and sacred places and brings us in right relationship, right ayni (harmonious act of giving and receiving) with Mother Earth.

DAY 5 (Wednesday, February 19, 2025) – ABU SIMBEL, NUBIAN VILLAGE

After breakfast we go to Abu Simbel by bus. These magnificent Temples were commissioned by Pharaoh Ramses II. He chose this site because it was already sacred to Hathor, Goddess of motherhood, joy, and love. We visit The Great Temple built to honor Ramses himself and dedicated to the God Re-Horakhty. This temple was aligned to the East, allowing the sun to shine directly into the Holy of Holies to illuminate the statues of Ramesses and Amun. Only Ptah, the God of the Underworld, remains in darkness all year round.

Next, we visit the Small Temple built for Queen Nefertari, beloved wife of Ramses II. Usually, the wives’ statues never measured higher than the Pharaoh’s knees, but for the first time Nefertari’s statue was carved the same size as the image of the Pharaoh himself.

Temple of Ramses II

Included: Breakfast and dinner. We spend the night in: Aswan.

Temple of Nefertari

Due to the construction of the Aswan High Dam and consequently the flooding of Lake Nasser, these sacred temples were at risk of being submerged in the Nile River. In a massive undertaking they were relocated to a plateau on the cliffs, placing them in the original orientation they held to each other and the sun. We check in our 5* cruise ship ad have lunch. In the late afternoon we’ll visit the colorful Nubian village along the Nile River, where we can buy spices, incense, pottery, and much more. We’ll have dinner at a local Nubian restaurant.

Included: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We spend the night in: Cruise ship.

Spiritual Practice: If allowed, we will go to the inner chamber- the Holy of Hollies- of the Temple of Ramses II to embrace the veil of life of the ancient King of Egypt. This is done in honor of an ancient rite of passage.


After breakfast, we’ll visit Philae Island. The grandeur of the Temple of Isis is where ancient Egyptians venerated Isis, Osiris and Horus and sought healing through prayer from the mystical Egyptian Goddess. One of the fundamental myths about Isis centered around her husband Osiris who was killed by his brother Set. Through her powers of “renewal and resurrection”- which are part of the feminine mysteries – she brought Osiris back to life so she could conceive their son Horus. The goddess Isis and the god Osiris are the holders of the ultimate mysteries and highest consciousness of the Universe.

Philae Island, like Abu Simbel, was also threatened to be inundated by the waters of the Aswan High Dam. The temples were dismantled, and each block carefully re-assembled in a similar orientation on Agilka since then renamed Philae. We will also visit a Nubian village where colorful shops are displayed along the streets. Later, we will experience an exciting camel ride.

Great Temple of Isis

Temple of Kom Ombo

After lunch, we sail to visit the dual Temple of Kom Ombo, one of the more unusual temples in Egypt since it honored two deities: the crocodile god Sobek and the falcon god Horus. Since both symbolize the duality of our own higher and lower natures, the ancient Egyptians separated their temple spaces within one temple.

The Northern portion of the temple, also called “Castle of the Falcon,” was dedicated mainly to Horus, God of the sun. The Southern portion, also called “House of the Crocodile,” was not just dedicated to Sobek, the God of fertility, but also to Hathor, the Goddess of love and joy, and Khonsu, the god of the moon. More than 300 crocodile mummies were found here and now reside in the nearby Crocodile Museum.

People made pilgrimages to this temple to be healed as Horus was also known as a doctor. On the back wall of the temple exists the very first known representations of precise surgical tools. We’ll continue sailing to Edfu.

Included: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We spend the night in: Cruise ship.

Spiritual Practice: The temple of Kom Ombo is associated with the Sacral chakra, as it represents the embodiment of our higher and lower selves, the dark and the light, and of finding a harmonious union within ourselves. We’ll explore and incorporate how the ancient Egyptians viewed and worked with fear and chaos, as shown in the writings at the Temple of Kom Ombo.

Spiritual Practice: The sacred Temple of Isis is a source of love and an opening of the heart. Moreover, this temple offers a holy connection with the divine goddess’ energies, who can grant healing and rebirth and awaken our full potential by reconnecting us with all the magic we hold within. Here we’ll journey to meet the principles of mystery, magic, and the infinite resurrection of the soul.

DAY 7 (Friday, February 21, 2025) – EDFU: TEMPLE OF HORUS. SAIL TO LUXOR

This morning we’ll visit the Temple of Horus at Edfu, one of the best preserved of all the historical sites. This temple was dedicated to Horus, the falcon-headed sky God, considered the protector of the pharaohs. A library of ancient esoteric knowledge was once archived here before it was moved to Alexandria. We’ll explore the remarkable Edfu Building Texts with the mysteries of Zep Tepi, known as the time of the “beginning of everything.” Here we are reminded of our origin as beautiful beings of light.

At sunset, we visit the famous Luxor Temple built by Amenhotep III and completed by Tutankhamun and Horemheb and then added to by Rameses II. Here we can appreciate the remaining famous granite obelisk built by Ramses II, while the other one is in Paris. Luxor was the capital of Egypt from the 12th dynasty.

Temple of Isis

Temple of Luxor

Included: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We spend the night in: Cruise ship.

Spiritual Practice: Edfu, associated with the Sacral chakra is a place of ancient esoteric knowledge and learning. Horus represents the union of spirit and matter. As a hawk he represents the part of us that can fly above our earthly experience and the limitations of time and space. If allowed, we would sit in silence to do a meditation to the God Horus asking his assistance to uncover our natural gifts given to us before time.

Spiritual Practice: Luxor Temple, often referred to as the Temple of Man, is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra, which is the center for revealing power, control, and ego. Here we open our solar plexus to receive the inner messages.

DAY 8 (Saturday, February 22, 2025) – ABYDOS & DENDERA TEMPLES

We’ll check out from the cruise ship and travel to Abydos. Abydos Temple, one of the most amazing sites in Egypt, is the cult center of the God Osiris (God of the underworld) who was the brother/husband of Isis and the father of Horus. It was built by Seti I and his son Ramses II in honor of Osiris, considered the founder of the Egyptian civilization. Osiris, Isis, and Horus were offered the highest place of worship in Egypt as they represent the divine Triad of Abydos. Over the centuries pilgrims came to Abydos offering pots to ask for healing and blessings from the beloved Osiris.

Abydos also holds the remains of the Osirian Temple where there are Flower of Life symbols painted on the inside of one of the monoliths. The Flower of Life, the most important symbol of sacred geometry, contains a type of Akashic Record of all living things connecting the life force that runs through all sentient beings.

Temple of Abydos

Temple of Kom Ombo

Next, we’ll visit the Temple of Hathor in Dendera. Hathor is the Goddess of heaven, love, and joy and wife of the celestial God Horus and the Solar God Ra, as well as the mythological mother of their earthly regents, the pharaohs. Here we can also admire the Osirian mysteries contained in the Resurrection Chamber where the revival of Osiris from the dead is performed by Isis. We’ll also visit a replica of the Zodiac of Dendera (the original is displayed at the Louvre in Paris) located on the ceiling of a chapel in the Temple of Hathor, where the mysteries of the resurrection of the god Osiris were celebrated. We stay in Luxor at Hotel Sonesta St. George.

Included: Breakfast and dinner. We spend the night in: Luxor.

Spiritual Practice: Abydos and Dendera Temples were considered universities of higher learning, ancient Stargates and the place of healing, transformation, and rebirth, holding the activation of the Heart chakra. The ancient Egyptians believed that intelligence and will were situated in the heart, and when the heart is open, our spiritual selves will be revealed. We’ll connect with the magical energies still alive in these temples.


Today we’ll visit the Valley of the Kings in the West bank of Luxor. This is a necropolis of 63 tombs used to house the bodies and belongings of many pharaohs from Thutmose I to Ramesses XI. The tomb of Tutankhamun is the most famous as it was found intact. Pharaoh Ramses II (The Great) was also buried here.

Temple of Ramses II

Temple of Queen Nefertari

Next, we visit the Temple of famous Queen Hatshepsut, the fifth pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. She was the first woman to take the title King of Upper and Lower Egypt. This controversial ruler was the daughter of Thutmose I and wife of her half-brother Thutmose II who died young. Consequently, the throne went to his infant son, Thutmose III. However, Hatshepsut assumed the title and full powers of a pharaoh herself, becoming co-ruler of Egypt with Thutmose III. We will also visit an Alabaster Factory.

Included: Breakfast and dinner. We spend the night in: Luxor.

Spiritual Practice: The Valley of the Kings is the entrance of the underworld, a forbidden place of the past where the inner chambers of the death rites are not to be seen by human eyes. This is a walk of transmutation – we started when passing through the veil into the Holy of Holies – of entering the sacred threshold of resurrection.

Optional: Take an aerial view of beautiful Luxor’s West Bank and most of the ancient monuments of Thebes from aboard a “hot air balloon.” This adventure begins at 4 am, before sunrise, and it is approximately $120.

DAY 10 (Tuesday, February 24, 2025) – KARNAK TEMPLE. BUS TO HURGHADA

Early this morning, we’ll visit Karnak Temple, the biggest temple, and the most important place of worship in all Egypt. Karnak was dedicated to the grandiose holy family, a trinity of gods: Amon, Mut and Khonsu, later replaced by Osiris, Isis, and Horus. It was said the ancient ones built these huge columns – that seem to reach the stars – with special stones. The purpose was to collect and store the energies of the daily sacred singing and chanting done at dawn, while the priests and priestess walked down the processional path to the Holy of Holies.

Within Karnak Temple, we’ll also visit the small Temple of Petah, a very ancient god who was revered as the divine architect of heaven and earth and represented the creative fire. Next is located the Sanctuary of Sekhmet, Petah’s consort. Sekhmet is a warrior Goddess as well as Goddess of healing. She is represented with a Lioness head in a woman’s body, wearing a sun disk over her head.

We’ll also visit the Seven Osiris Doors in the Chapel of Shepenwepet and Amundiris. These seven doors, all boxed within one another, were believed to be an exit for the soul to leave this mortal earth. To end our visit, we’ll connect

with a small chamber called “The Holy of Holies” which is the heart and the most sacred spot in all of Egypt since on this pedestal sat a statue of God Amon-Ra, Egypt’s God of gods. We’ll travel to Hurghada by the Red Sea.

Temple of Isis

Felucca Sailing

Included: Breakfast and dinner. We spend the night in: Hurghada.

Spiritual Practice: The temple of Karnak describes the process of the creation of the manifest universe, the descent of spirit into matter using the Golden Blueprint of Creation. As we are guided by the creator god Petah to merge with Goddess Sekhmet, we journey to embody the principles of creation and rebirth. This is the moment to activate even deeper our Solar Plexus chacra as Sekhmet represents power, magical potential, and “healing the warrior.”

DAY 11 (Tuesday, February 25, 2024) – HURGHADA: RESTING & INTEGRATION TIME

As we’re close to returning home, it’s important to take the time to rest and integrate this journey of Self-remembrance through a transformative exploration of the wisdom and secrets of ancient Egypt. We will stay in Hurghada, a beach resort city that serves as the largest city and capital of the Red Sea Riviera. Spanning over 40 km of pristine coastline, Hurghada City has year-round sunshine, incredibly beautiful coral reefs and turquoise waters and exciting attractions in a laid back, relaxed atmosphere. This place is renowned for scuba diving in its modern Sekalla district, while El Dahar, old town, is home to traditional Egyptian coffee shops and souks (marketplace.)

Breathwork in Hurghada

Artwork in Hurghada

Included: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We spend the night in: Hurghada.

Spiritual Practice: Through reflection, meditation, journaling, breathwork, and any process anyone would like to share, we will support each other to integrate and record the discoveries and insights of all we’ve learned and what is still to unfold.

DAY 12 (Wednesday, February 26, 2025) – RETURN TO CAIRO

This morning can be a private time to continue resting or to visit a beautiful beach as a group. We can decide in the moment. After a relaxed lunch, we will return to Cairo.

Included: Breakfast, and lunch. We spend the night in: Cairo.

Day 13 (Thursday, February 27, 2025) – PYRAMIDS OF GIZA: PRIVATE VISIT, THE GREAT SPHINX

This morning, we will visit and hear the magical history of the pyramids of King Cheops (Khufu,) Kefren (Chephren,) and Micerinus (Menkaure) from the IV dynasty. Next, we visit the area of The Great Sphinx, considered the most powerful vortex point on the planet as it contains the knowledge of our true cosmic origin. The present carved pharaoh head might have originally been the head of the Lioness Mehit, the protector. Moreover, Edgar Cayce reported the existence of the Halls of Amenti (Atlantean Hall of Records) under the left paw. We can also appreciate and connect with the Dream Stella. We might by visit a Jewelry Store.

Tonight, we have a PRIVATE VISIT to the Great Pyramid, also called The Pyramid of King Cheops. This is the largest pyramid in Egypt and the only survivor of the seven wonders of the ancient world. We’ll spend two hours exploring and connecting with the ancient energies of the King’s and the Queen’s chambers. This visit will culminate our journey of self-remembrance as an earthly and cosmic being! We’ll also experience an exciting camel ride along these ancient pyramids.

Great Pyramids of Giza

The Great Sphinx

Included: Breakfast and dinner. We spend the night in: Cairo.
Spiritual Practice: A stronger activation of the Brow/Third Eye chakra – the soul star – is possible by connecting with the Great Sphinx. This sacred sanctuary is a pathway to accessing ancient knowledge and to see all things as they truly are with no questions or judgments. Here we open the gate of “time” from where we explore why the ancient Egyptian worldview is extremely important to understand the alignment of the ancient prophecies.

Spiritual Practice: The Great Pyramid of Giza connects to the purity of the Crown chakra, to the one true source and generates a sense of oneness with everything. As we walk the long corridor, we hold a clear intention to merge our energy with our ancestors and our future generations. As we enter the King’s Chamber – the Holy of Hollies – we arrive at this Stargate ceremonial room, where each take a turn to lay on the resonance box (also called the sound chamber box) while the group chants the sacred OM (essence of the supreme Absolute.) Here the invitation to connect with the Higher Cosmic Plan is highly sensed as an activation of our personal Soul’s Truth.

Day 14 (Friday, February 28, 2025) – ALABASTER MOSQUE & COPTIC CAIRO

On our last day as a group, we visit the Alabaster Mosque which was built between 1830 and 1857 under the order of Muhammed Ali Pasha (Egyptian ruler) in honor of his son, who died young. Perched on the summit of the Saladin Citadel, the Mosque of Muhammed Ali is one of the landmark attractions in Cairo, and it stands proudly above the city, visible from most directions.

This immense temple was built according to Ottoman style, and the influence of Istanbul’s New Mosque on its architecture can easily be seen. While it is mainly built from limestone, the lower story is covered with alabaster. Inside the mosque, the different rooms are intricately decorated with the careful geometrical patterns of Islamic art. The courtyard holds a brass clock tower – which never worked – gifted to Muhammed Ali by the French King Louis Philippe in 1845, in exchange for taking one of the obelisks of Ramses II from Luxor Temple.

Great Pyramids of Giza

Cavern where Holy Family stayed

After lunch we’ll visit the famous Coptic Cairo known as the fortress of Christianity (until Islamic rule,) where the Holy Family visited and stayed. This is one of the most historic and beautiful spots in the heart of old Cairo, with some buildings going back to the 6th century BC. During dinner we’ll share our journey and realizations before we bring the trip to a final circle.

Included: Breakfast and dinner. We spend the night in: Cairo.
Spiritual Practice: In Coptic Cairo, we’ll prepare to enter the sacred by going to the ancient seat of 3 major religions

– Muslim, Jewish and, Christian – laid on top of Ancient Egyptian religion.

Day 15 (Saturday, March 1, 2025) – RETURN HOME

After breakfast, departure to the airport according to your scheduled flight.

* Itinerary could be subject to change: Due to the remote areas we are traveling in, weather, bad roads, and other unforeseen situations, may cause us to make changes in the schedule or to visit different sites. We understand if this happens, Pachamama will guide us where she wants to take us!