Puno/Cusco: June 17-June 28, 2024
Puno/Cusco Itinerary
June 17 to June 28, 2024
Discounted Price: $3,250 if paid in full by 3/22/24.
Regular Price: $3,550. Deposit $2,000 by 3/22/24. Remaining balance: 1550 by 5/22/24.
Mariscela Alvarez, dba Free Your Spirit
www.fyspirit.com – ma@fyspirit.com – (530) 863-0003
This year of 2024 carries the power of number “8” based on sacred numerology. Therefore, this year holds potent energies for those seeking inspiration in their spiritual journey. It’s a year that can bring profound growth, balance, and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between all aspects of life.
Through many sacred places on earth, we can have access to higher consciousness accessible through their energetic vortexes where we can harmonize any imbalance in our human aspect. Perú is one of these places and if merging with its high frequencies is one of your desires, we’re ready to make your wish a reality. With much anticipation, we’re pleased to offer you two amazing trips to the Andes Mountains and the Amazon Region of Perú!
DAY 0 (Sunday, June 16, 2024) – DEPART FROM USA TO LIMA
Your journey to the ancestral land of Perú begins by departing from your place of origin for the city of Lima. There are many airlines to choose from. I suggest checking with LATAM, American Airlines and Avianca. I’ll be happy to connect you with an excellent Travel Agent familiarized with our program, who can help you book your flights.
Today you depart from Lima to the city of Puno. Puno is a small city located on the shore of Lake Titicaca, at 11,745 ft above sea level. This colorful city is close to the Peruvian border with Bolivia and has been named the Folkloric Capital of Perú from the wealth of its artistic and cultural expressions, particularly dance.
Puno Cathedral

Puno Folklore

This will be a slow and relaxing day giving us time to acclimate to the higher altitude of the Andean Mountains. Drinking coca tea is highly recommended.
We spend the night in: Puno
After breakfast, we’ll visit the Archeological Site of Sillustani (12,795 ft of elevation,) from the Colla culture, an Aymara speaking community. Sillustani stands on Lake Umayo (Enchanted Lake.) The Chullpas, were the pre-Inca and Inca mausoleum for the nobility. The most prominent Chullpas are “La Torre de la Lagartija” (Lizard Tower) and “La Torre de la Serpiente” (Serpent Tower.) This cemetery not only contrasts the world of the living with the world of the dead, but also embraces the spiritual aspect of facing the sun and the lake.
Doorway of Aramu Muru

After lunch we’ll visit the Doorway of Aramu Muru , or ”Gateway to the Gods.” This is a pre-Incan rock structure, considered an interdimensional gateway to the spirit world. According to Inca legend, Aramu Muru was a Lemurian Spiritual Master, who brought the Sun Disc, known as the “Key of the Gods of the 7 Seven Rays” to Lake Titicaca. This disc opened the doorway to higher dimensions of existence.
Spiritual Practice: In Sillustani we’ll do a ritual with coca leaves to harmonize some of the aspects of duality (yanantin) of the matrix of creation. In Aramu Muru we’ll activate an Ayni Karpay.
Included: Breakfast and lunch. Spend the night in: Puno.
“Lake Titicaca is energetically balanced, it is neither male, nor female…It contains proportional levels of both, and as such the potency, the harmonic and the harmony. Therefore, the consciousness of this vortex will balance any human that is in imbalance… Lake Titicaca is a potent battery for both, receival and transmission of those attuned higher dimensional energies required for the ascension of this planet. “– James Tiberonn.
Today we enter deeper into the sacredness of Lake Titicaca, located on the Altiplano (high plane) of Perú and Bolivia. This is the world’s highest navigable lake at 12,400 ft. above sea level. To the Aymara, Lake Titicaca means “the sacred center of the world.” This lake is their natural and spiritual home and one of the most peaceful places on Earth, providing solace, healing, and balance. We travel via motorboat to the Uros Islands. A group of about 70 man-made “totora” reed islands form the home of the Uros tribe, a pre-Inca civilization. They’ll share their ancient practices and traditions and their simple way of life. Colorful textiles and other goods will be offered to purchase.
Uros Floating Islands

Colorful Textiles

Next, we go to Amantaní Island located at 12,500 ft above sea level. A major electromagnetic lay line called Wirachocha’s Route, intersects the island running from Bolivia to Perú. Pre-Columbian residents usually built their cities, temples, and holy places on electromagnetic convergence points to benefit from the highest vibratory frequency. There are no hotels on this island, so we’ll spend the night at the house of one of the families.
Included: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Spend the night in: Amantaní island.
The inhabitants, which belong to the ancient Aymara culture, believe that the temples are more than 4,000 years old. After a relaxed breakfast, we visit the Temples of Pachatata and Pachamama, dedicated to the Divine Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Universe. Standing half a mile apart, these pre-Incan temples were built during the Tiahuanaco culture. Here many people experience a sense of clarity, centeredness, inner strength, and connection with the Higher Self.
The walk along a series of wide stone pathways is from moderate to strong as we reach the top of the hill where the temple is located. The paths are wide and well-constructed. It is highly recommended to walk at a slow pace and make many stops along the way. Also having a disposable oxygen can is advised.
Amantaní Island

Temple of Pachatata

Spiritual Practice: Today, we welcome the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, by integrating the energy of both temples, which invoke the opposite energies of the masculine and feminine aspects of the Self. This principal of “complementary opposites” is called Yanantin in the Andean tradition and is equivalent to the Yin and Yang principles.
Included: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Spend the night in: Amantaní Island.
Optional: For the ones who prefer not to walk this long path (moderate to strong) at high altitude, we can rent some horses, depending on availability. A good idea is to take turns in riding the horses, which are always handled by the owners. The cost is approximately $20 to $30.
Early this morning, we’ll take a boat to return to Puno City. In Puno we travel along the Sun’s Route to arrive in Cusco as our destination. Our first stop is at Pukara town, famous for its pottery, especially the well-known “Toritos de Pukara” (Little Bulls of Pukara.) It also offers the “Museo Litico” (Lithic Museum,) displaying a selection of anthropomorphic monoliths, zoomorphic sculptures, ceramics, and other objects from the PuKara pre-Inca Culture. From there, we make a quick stop at La Raya Pass (14,000 ft. above sea level) which is the border between Cusco and Puno. Here we’ll be able to see the famous Chimboya Glacier where the Amazon River is born. Next, we’ll enjoy a tasty buffet lunch at La Pascana Touristic Restaurant, located on the outskirts of Sicuani.
Wiracocha Temple

La Raya Pass

We also stop in Raqchi, an Archeological Site built in the 15th century and considered one of the most audacious Inca constructions. Here we’ll visit the astonishing “Wiracocha Temple.” According to ancient chroniclers this temple was built by Inca Wiraqocha in homage to the Superior Invisible God of the Andean people: “Apu Kon Titi Wiraqocha.” The Coronation Ritual of the Incas might have been performed here. Our final stop is in the city of Andahuaylillas to visit the Church of San Pedro, also known as the “Sistine Chapel of the Americas,” built in 1580. The interior is an explosion of Baroque art with altars of wood carvings and gold, as well as a great quantity of decorations and beautiful paintings by the Escuela Cusqueña. We arrive in Cusco City in the early afternoon.
Included: Breakfast and lunch. Spend the night in: Cusco.
DAY 6 (Saturday, June 22, 2024) – CUSCO CITY TOUR
This morning we’ll visit the best representation of the shrines and temples (called Huacas in Quechua) of the Inca spiritual pilgrimage network or ceque system. First, we go to Tambomachay referred to as the “Baños del Inca” or Inca baths. Tambomachay was a site for ritual bathing of the higher nobility, believed to have been used on ceremonial occasions to worship the element of water. From here we go to Qenko which contains an astronomical observatory, used to measure time, to establish the seasons, determine the solstice and equinoxes and as a shrine to worship the Sun, the Moon, Venus, and the stars.

The Coricancha Temple

Next, we visit the magnificent Sacsayhuaman (The Royal House of the Sun,) forming the head of the sacred puma. This site looks like a fortress and contains bastions, watchtowers, houses, worship sites, roads, aqueducts, and storehouses. Every winter solstice, Sacksayhuaman holds the reenactment of the “Inti Raymi” or “Fiesta del Sol,” which was the biggest, most important spiritual festival dedicated to the Sun God.
Last, we go to the temple of Coricancha, one of the most important Inca temples dedicated also to the Sun God. It is a masterpiece of the Inca architecture, built during the time of the Inca Wiracocha, and later embellished by the Inka Pachacutec. The Coricancha represents the genitals of the puma and was the focal point of major religious activities.
Spiritual Practice: We’ll perform a ritual of “rebirth,” walking through one of the birth canals of Pachamama.
Included: Breakfast and Lunch. Spend the night in: Cusco.
Optional: Watch indigenous dances at the School of Cultural Art at 6:30 pm Tickets are $10.
DAY 7 (Sunday, June 23, 2024) – FREE DAY IN CUSCO
Cusco was the imperial seat of the Inca Empire, or TahuanTinsuyo, considered the “navel of the Inka world.” The Inca kingdom was the largest and most ancient empire on the American continent. This city is located high in the Andes Mountains at 11,200 ft. above sea level and was built in the form of a Puma, regarded as the sacred gate keeper of the middle world or Kay Pacha.
Today is a relaxing day. We suggest you visit the fantastic main square- The Plaza de Armas, representing the heart of the Puma. Within the Plaza, you can visit and attend the morning mass at The Cathedral, a magnificent church built after the invasion of the Spaniards in 1664 over the Palace of the Inca Wiracocha. You will admire the colonial goldsmith and woodcarving work, as well as a valuable collection of canvases from the Escuela Cusqueña (Academy of Cusco.) In the Artisan Zone, you can appreciate and buy special arts and crafts from local artists. Visiting the San Pedro Market will be a colorful experience. You can also get a massage in town.
City of Cusco

Plaza de Armas

Our second group arrives today. We’ll all gather at the hotel in the afternoon for introductions and to prepare for the Inti Raymi the next day!
Included: Breakfast. Spend the night in: Cusco.
Optional: A private despacho ceremony or healing session can be arranged with the Paq’o. Payments are made directly to him. Please know he only speaks Quechua and Spanish but the medicine you’ll receive have no language barrier.
DAY 8 (Monday, June 24, 2024) – INTI RAYMI: FESTIVAL OF THE SUN
Inti Raymi, or Festival of the Sun, is an annual religious celebration held every June 24th, in the city of Cusco. The Inti Raymi is a festival in honor of the Incan Sun God — Inti, as well as the welcoming of the winter solstice and the Incan New Year. This celebration, which is perhaps the most important holiday for the Incan Empire, sees a variety of cultural activities taking place around the city to honor their Incan ancestry. This celebration is a multi-act historical reconstruction ritual that involves residents dressed in traditional Incan garments, taking specific roles in the theatrical display.
Inti Raymi in Cusco

Inti Raymi in Sacsayhuaman

The procession descends onto Cusco’s Coricancha Temple (Temple of the Sun) and the Plaza de Armas. The final act of the ritual is performed at the “Sacsayhuaman Fortress,” where prayers are conveyed in the traditional Quechua language and a llama sacrifice is simulated for a medicine man to predict the state of the coming future.
Included: Breakfast, and lunch box. Spend the night in: Cusco.
Today early in the morning, we visit Vinicunca, a word in Quechua (Perú native language) which translates to “Colored Mountain.” This amazing mountain is located about 4 hours from Cusco, at a staggering 5,200m above sea level. This mountain, considered holy by many, is also known as Rainbow Mountain, and is becoming the main attraction to see before or after Machu Picchu.
This rainbow-like appearance is created by the sediment of 14 different colorful minerals throughout the area. When the ice that used to cover the area melted, the water mixed with minerals in the ground, turned the earth into many colors. Since its discovery, Rainbow Mountain has been gaining popularity and has even been listed in National Geographic’s “Top 100 Places To Visit Before Dying.”
Rainbow Mountain

Despacho Ceremony

Llamas, horses, and alpacas are dispersed all over the range, with local communities still living almost the same life as before. Our transportation will take us to the highest point possible, from where we’ll walk only 30 minutes at a very slow pace. Personal oxygen cans and plenty of coca leaves is highly recommended.
Spiritual Practice: Here we participate in ancient healing ceremonies of the Andes. The beloved Paq’o and Ñusta of the Q’eros Nation will guide us in Despacho ceremony and Karpay transmission. Despacho is an offering to honor Pachamama (mother earth) and the Apu kuna (mountains.) It is composed of natural items such as carnation flowers, coca leaves, candies, figurines, etc. Karpay is the transmission of energy seeds into our energy body that will be prayed over to flourish according to your commitment to self-growth. It is a bestowal of the power of the Andean lineage.
Included: Breakfast and lunch. Spend the night in: Cusco.
Note: Donations of money or goods are welcomed to be given directly to the Paq’o and Ñusta
After breakfast we go to the sacred Valle Sagrado de Los Inkas, formed by the Vilcanota/Urubamba River valley and extending between Calca, Lamay, Pisac and Ollantaytambo. We visit the famous Pisac Marketplace where every day, artisans, and indigenous merchants of many towns come to trade their products consisting of colorful textiles, clothing, ceramic, musical instrument, jewelry, fruits, flowers and more.
Vendor at Pisac Marketplace


After lunch in Urubamba, we’ll visit the impressive Archeological site of Ollantaytambo, which was built during the time of Inca Pachacutec. The spiritual life of the Inca and his people can be observed in the carved face of Wiracocha (The Creator God,) a Water Temple or Incamisana, formed by a complex of water channels and eight fountains – being the “Bath of the Princess” (Baño de la Ñusta) the most impressive one – the Intihuatana or Sun Dial Stone, the Temple of the Condor, an unfinished Temple of the Sun, and others. We take the afternoon train to Aguas Calientes where you can find another big Marketplace.
Included: Breakfast and lunch. Spend the night in: Aguas Calientes.
“Machu Picchu can be termed as an ancient and timeless “Light Temple” …Machu Picchu is a multidimensional prism of sorts that refracts the light into full spectrum and then uniquely absorbs and disperses it a higher dimensional “coded” format…The energy of this Portal Temple…is a major contributor to the global chakric center of Lake Titicaca, supplying heart and crown energy.” – James Tiberonn.
Very early in the morning, we go to sacred Machu Picchu (Old Mountain) situated at 7,900 ft. above sea level, overlooking the Urumbamba River. Built in the time of Pachacutec Inca, it is considered one of the Wonders of the Modern World. The most important structures at Machu Picchu are the Temples dedicated to the Sun, to Pachamama, to the Condor, the Temple of Three Windows and the Intihuatana. The Intihuatana (Hitching Post of the Sun) was an astronomical observation device used to determine the precise periods for different festivals and celebrations of importance in the Inca religion.
We return to Aguas Calientes for lunch, we take the afternoon train to Ollantaytambo and travel to La Casita del Arco Iris Hotel (Rainbow House) located in Urubamba, the heart of the Sacred Valley. This hotel sponsors the Niños del Arco Iris Foundation (Children of the Rainbow) which offers education for 170 children from 3 to 13 years of age and who are in a situation of vulnerability.
Sacred Machu Picchu

Temple of the Condor

This foundation also offers nutritional and safe environment aid, as well as medical campaigns for the children and their families. While staying in this hotel, we’re supporting this magnificent foundation as the profits go directly to them!
Spiritual Practice: We’ll do an “ayni” (reciprocity) ritual using coca leaves and an activation of the sacred heart based on the Andean tradition.
Included: Breakfast. Spend the night in: Urubamba.
Note: Donations of money or goods for the children are welcome to be given directly to the hotel.
As we’re close to returning home, it’s important to take the time to rest and integrate this journey of Self-remembrance through a transformative exploration of the wisdom and secrets of ancient Perú. We will stay at the Rainbow House to experience healing activities such as an intentional walk in the labyrinth, the alchemy of Breathwork, Shamanic journeying and more!
La Casita del Arco Iris (Rainbow House)

Breathwork & Shamanic Journey

Spiritual Practice: You are welcomed and encouraged to share your sacred medicine to support each other’s integration of all we’ve received and what is still to unfold.
Included: Breakfast, lunch & dinner. Spend the night in: Urubamba.
DAY 13 (Saturday, June 29, 2024) – TRAVEL TO CUSCO – FLY TO LIMA – RETURN HOME
Today, you depart from Cusco to Lima and from Lima to your place of origin. Hotel check out time is usually at 9 am but your luggage can be stored in the hotel until you’re ready to go to the airport.
Included: Breakfast
* Itinerary could be subject to change: If some activities are changed, you’ll receive a revised itinerary.
Due to the remote areas, we are traveling in the Andes Mountains, weather, bad roads, and other unforeseen situations, which may cause us to make changes in the schedule or to visit different sites. We understand if this happens, Pachamama will guide us where she wants to take us!